Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Split Brain Theory by Roger Wolcott Sperry

Split Brain Theory by Roger Wolcott Sperry


Born : August 20, 1913 Hartford, Connecticut

Died : April 17, 1994

Fields : Neuropsychologist

Education : Oberlin College, University of Chicago

Doctoral Advisor : Paul A. Weiss

Known for : Split Brain research

Notable Award : Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1981

In the late 1950's and early 1960's some significant research was conducted by Roger Sperry. Sperry's work, which later earned him the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1981, clearly showed that the brain is divided into two major parts or hemispheres, the right brain and the left brain. His research also identified that each of the parts of the brain specializes in its own style of thinking and has different capabilities. (Michael P. Pitek III,The Perfomance Group)

Figure 1

Left -Brain and Right- Brain : The Functions

Our educational system, as well as science in general, tends to neglect the nonverbal form of intellect. What it comes down to is that modern society discriminates against the right hemisphere.

Roger Sperry – 1973


Michael P. Pitek III (The Perfomance Group) , Brain Differences : Creativity And The Right Side Of The Brain,HyperText Webs.

___________,Wikipedia, The Free Encylopedia.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Love Is...

Cinta Adalah : Buat Apa Saja Yang Difikirkan Perlu?

Love Is : Doing Whatever Is Necessary?

Lokasi: -

Tarikh/Masa: -

“Jangan, Erin. Jangan buat macam ni.” Am cuba menghampiri Erina.Erina semakin menjarakkan diri. Menghampiri balkoni.Di tangannya sebilah pisau kecil. “Rileks, Erin.”Ronny cuba menenangkan keadaan.Erina menangis.Terketar-ketar,mendekatkan pisau ke pergelangan tangan. Ingin mengerat. “Erin...ingat tak masa kita pergi camping dulu.Yang U cuba hidupkan kayu api tapi tak dapat-dapat.Masa masak nasi U terlebih air pulak.Kan Ronny?” “A’ah,aku saja yang sanggup habiskan semua bubur tu.”Ronny cuba untuk bergurau.Erina masih teresak-esak.Pisau mula dijarakkan sedikit daripada pergelangan tangan.

Erina terduduk.Tangannya masih menggenggam pisau namun sedikit dikendurkan. “Erin...beri pisau tu kat I.”Am semakin menghampiri.Membongkok perlahan. “Erin...”Erina melepaskan pisau.Perlahan-lahan Am mengambil pisau yang dijatuhkan.Memberikannya kepada Ronny. Erina menunduk . “Why,Erin?”Erina masih terdiam.Sedunya beransur reda. “ Help me, Am.” Erina mula bersuara. “Apa masalah u,Erin?.”Am memandang Erina .Cuba mendapatkan jawapan. “Zack tipu I, Am.Dia janji nak kahwin dengan I.”

Am, 19.7.2009; 9.20 pm

Taman Tunku,Miri.

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